Global Engagement Solutions for Higher Education


Digital Infrastructure: Better Decision Making & Support For Advocacy

March 2, 2024


In this 1:46 video, Paul talks about how digital infrastructure revolutionizes international education. With data-driven decision-making at the forefront, educators can spend more time interpreting and understanding the insights provided. Paul emphasizes the importance of meeting students where they are, as the current generation has grown up with technology.

From a podcast interview with Paul Hofmann,  a professional whose expertise is over four years as a Senior International Officer at the University of Louisville.

“To be able to mine data in an efficient way and then spend more time understanding what that data is. It’s also critical to advocacy to be able to help tell the story of international education.”

Data-Driven Decisions

One of the most significant benefits of digital infrastructure in international education is the ability to make data-driven decisions. As Paul Hofmann highlights, without a robust digital infrastructure, institutions spend significant time mining and deciphering data, leaving little room for interpretation. However, with the right tools and reporting functions, institutions can allocate more time to understanding the insights derived from the data.
Paul emphasizes the importance of efficient data analysis, stating, “By having a reporting function built into your infrastructure, you’re able to spend more of that time identifying what this data is telling us.” This shift allows institutions to understand their students’ needs, preferences, and performance better, ultimately leading to more effective decision-making.

The implications of data-driven decisions in international education are far-reaching. Institutions can identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement, enabling them to tailor their programs and support services to meet student’s needs better. Additionally, data-driven decision-making can optimize resource allocation, ensuring that limited resources are utilized most effectively.

Meeting Students’ Needs

As Paul points out, the current generation of students has grown up with technology at their fingertips. They are digital natives who expect educational institutions to meet them where they want to be. This necessitates the integration of digital infrastructure into the fabric of international education.
Paul, referring to himself as a “digital immigrant,” acknowledges the need to adapt to the preferences of the current generation. He states, “We have to factor that in some way and meet the students where they want to be met.” This means leveraging technology to enhance the learning experience through online platforms, virtual classrooms, or interactive digital resources.
The impact of meeting students’ needs through digital infrastructure extends beyond convenience. It fosters engagement, collaboration, and personalized learning experiences. By embracing technology, institutions can create a dynamic and inclusive educational environment that caters to their students' diverse needs and learning styles.

The Power of Storytelling

While data analysis is crucial, it is equally important to communicate the impact of international education effectively. Digital infrastructure plays a vital role in supporting the storytelling aspect of the field. As Paul emphasizes, it goes beyond a mere spreadsheet of names; data can be used to support compelling narratives that advocate for international education.
Paul states, “To be able to use data to support the storytelling piece is critical to advocacy and being able to help tell the story of international education.” Digital infrastructure enables institutions to collect and analyze data showcasing international education's transformative power. This data can be used to highlight success stories, demonstrate the value of cross-cultural experiences, and advocate for the importance of global education.
By leveraging digital infrastructure to tell impactful stories, institutions can attract prospective students, engage stakeholders, and secure program support. The ability to effectively communicate the outcomes and benefits of international education is crucial in a competitive landscape, and digital infrastructure provides the tools to do so.


Digital infrastructure has revolutionized international education in numerous ways. The ability to make data-driven decisions, meet students’ needs through technology, and leverage data for storytelling has transformed the field. Educational institutions that embrace digital infrastructure can enhance their programs, improve student outcomes, and advocate for the value of international education.
As Paul Hofmann highlights, integrating digital infrastructure is not just a matter of convenience; it is a necessity in a world where technology is ingrained in students' lives. By harnessing the power of data and technology, institutions can create a more inclusive, engaging, and impactful learning environment.

In the ever-evolving landscape of international education, digital infrastructure will continue to play a pivotal role. Institutions need to invest in the necessary tools, resources, and training to fully leverage the potential of digital infrastructure and ensure the continued growth and success of international education.

o, let us embrace the power of digital infrastructure and unlock the full potential of international education for the benefit of students, institutions, and society as a whole.

To catch the full interview with Paul, CLICK HERE.